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Adrienne Kentner



Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae




  1. B.S., Cum Laude, Geological Sciences, The George Washington University

Thesis: Petrology and Geochemistry of a late Neoproterozoic, Bimodal Volcanic Complex at Mount Rogers in Southwestern Virginia


  1. Expected Ph.D.,  Geology, University of California, Santa Barbara




    1. Geological Research Assistant,  Geological Sciences Program, GWU
    2. Volunteer for Science, USGS, Reston, VA
    3.        Student Investigator, Geological Sciences Program, GWU
    4. Lab Instructor, Geological Sciences Program, GWU
  1. Field Assistant, UCSB

2008-present   Teaching Assitant, Department of Earth Science, UCSB


Field Experience


2008                UCSB: Field Assistant in the central Sierra Nevada, CA (5 weeks)

2008                UCSB: Summer field course, Poleta Folds, CA and White Pine Range, NV

(6 weeks)

2006-2007       GWU: Field Assistant in the northern and southern Virginia Blue Ridge

(2 summers)

2006                GWU: Field Mapping course (5 weekends over 1 semester)




Tollo, R.P. and Kentner, A.E. 2007: Deciphering the significance of compositional trends in granitoids: Insight from post-orogenic Mesoproterozoic plutonic rocks from the Virginia Blue Ridge: GSA Abstracts with Programs


Tollo, R.P., Kentner, A.E., Parendo, C.M.. in preparation, Geology of Basement Rocks in the Flint Hill and Massies Corner 7.5-minute Quadrangles, Virginia, scale 1:24,000


Tollo, R.P., Tengku Hassan, T.M.S., Kentner, A.E., and Soper, J. 2006, Geology of Basement Rocks in the Woodville 7.5-minute Quadrangle, Virginia, scale 1:24,000




2007                Luther Rice Undergraduate Research Fellowship, Columbian College,


2008                B.S. with Department Honors; Cum Laude



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